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4pages, 200 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Central Greece and Euboea"Advanced Search
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Eleusis, 1860s. Creator: Petros Moraites.
Sketch from the road between Marathon and Athens, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
The Plains of Marathon, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
"The Temple of Minerva in Aegina, Greece", by Harry Johnson, in the Gallery..., 1862. Creator: Mason Jackson.
'Les evenements d'orient; le 22 novembre 1916, les representants de puissances ennemies en Grece, qu Creator: Unknown.
Delphi, Greece, 2019. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Delphi, Greece, 2019. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Delphi, Greece, 2012. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Sounion, Greece, 2003. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Sounion, Greece, 2003. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Sounion, Greece, 2003. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Sounion, Greece, 2003. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Sounion, Greece, 2003. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Sounion, Greece, 2003. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Sounion, Greece, 2003. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Sounion, Greece, 2003. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Sounion, Greece, 2003. Creator: Ethel Davies.
'Les Evenements de Grece; Le 12 juin 1917, a 17 heures: la cavalerie et le materiel debarques...1917 Creator: Unknown.
'Les Evenements de Grece; Le 13 juin: nos detachements d'infanterie dans les rues du Piree..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Evenements de Grece; Les generaux Monterou, Regnault, commandant les troupes..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Evenements de Grece; Nos morts, au cimetiere du Piree: l'enclos ou devaient reposer..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
La veille des Thermopyles, 1842.  Creator: Honore Daumier.
'Manifestations Francophiles en Grece; L'amiral Dartige du Fournet, du balcon de l'Hotel..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Athenes vue en avion; le Piree ; dans le port principal, vers le haut de la photographie..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Athenes vue en avion; Athenes et son port le Piree', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Les vepres Atheniennes; le depart des ministres ennemis d'Athenes : photographie..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Nos marins blesses pendant les journees des 1er et 2 decembre, en traitement a..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.
Rocky coast with waterfalls on Euboa, 1893. Creator: Thorvald Niss.
The English and French Camps in the Piraeus - Sketched from the Gulf of Egina, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
'Occupation of the Piraeus by the French Troops', 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The Piraeus, at Athens, 1850. Creator: Unknown.
The Harbor of Piraeus, 1891. Creator: Themistocles von Eckenbrecher.
Eleusis, the Pavement of the Temple, 1913. Creator: Joseph Pennell.
Aegina, The Black Forest, 1913. Creator: Joseph Pennell.
Au Piree. - Le depart des boches., c. 1914/1919. Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
'Siege of the Piraeus', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'The Battle of Marathon', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Plain of Marathon', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Pass of Thermopylae', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'The Piraeus with the Long Walls, Restored', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'The Attack on the Piraeus', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'The Ravine at Delphi (Scene of the Repulse of the Gauls.)', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
Meleager and Atalanta, c1770-1800 Creator: Richard Earlom.
Thermopylae, 1872. Artist: Edward Lear.
The Charioteer Bronze, Delphi, Greece, c475BC-470 BC Artist: Unknown.
Bronze statue of Leonidas at Thermopylae, c20th century. Artist: Vasos Falireas.
Greek Bronze Horse and Jockey, from Artemision, life-size. 2 Cent BC. At National Archaelogical Muse Artist: Unknown.
Orestes at Delphi with Iphigenia, Attic Red Figure Krater, c5th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Greek relief detail, Battle of Gods and Giants, Apollo and Artemis fight, 525BC.  Artist: Unknown.
'The Temple of Poseidon and Athene at Sunium', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Temple of Poseidon and Athene or Aegina', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Plain of Marathon', 1913. Artist: Unknown.
'Ruins of the Great Temple of the Mysteries at Eleusis', 1913. Artist: Unknown.
'The Site of Ancient Delphi', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'Delphi - Gulf of Corinth in the distance', 1913. Artist: Unknown.
'Place of the famous Oracle, Delphi', 1913. Artist: Unknown.
'View of Mount Parnassus', 1913. Artist: Unknown.
'Ruins of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi', 1913. Artist: Unknown.
Treasury of the Athenians in Delphi, 5th century BC. Artist: Unknown
The monastery of Osios Loukas, 10th-11th century. Artist: Unknown